Wednesday, August 30, 2006

hey ppl,
1) Happy Teachers' Day too.. hope u are can use this another opportunity to meet up with ur almost long lost frens.. enjoy.. cheers. =)

2) pls check the relay system, and pls remember to forward the message to BOTH the person u are supposed to send to.. and oh ya, for the person who is sending out the message, pls send to the person who is suppose to send to the 2 others whom u are supposed to send too..


hahax. for instance, i (kristin) am suppose to forward messages to BOTH jessica AND andre, then i only send to them two. (cross check with relay system and u'll get me =D )


if im the one sending the message, it'll be better if i send to jessica, andre AND Phyllis..
so can we all do the same, use relay system ok? okay~ =) (cross check with relay system and u'll get me =D )

3) GP homework, ie the essay can be found at the temporary linkies =) we are suppose to pick a topic that we DIDNT attempt duing the common test.. XD hmm..i hope the resolution i changed is alright.. =X

4) updates of homework
- one essay of common test ques
- HCJC, RJC and SAJC compre papers
- OUAP form!

- all those dued hmwk like yu wen lian xi, zuo wen blah
- Cheng yu lian xi

- tutorials on vectors (I), (II) and (III)
- mock promo paper

- Carboxylic acids

- written report. (final draft due 20th sep)
- write diary! be prepared for reflections. hahas. =0

- DC circuit tutorial (ans available at phy website)
- electric current tutorial (ans available at phy website)
- thermodynamics tutorial
- pls check TYS Que and Ans errors (available at phy website)

- tutorial4, Q2 to 4. essay: Q1 and 2

i hope i didnt miss out too much hmwk~ update urself of missing hmwk /informations k =)

oh ya, im so happy today. whohoo~

you.were.there 8/30/2006 07:18:00 PM

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Our Class Tee won First Prize..

Credit goes to Chen Lili kristin =P
(her picture not available at press time)
lili: will not be available. muahahx.

Alright~! Our Class Tee being displayed at
CrossRoad- The Tee-shirt museum.

A closer look at the winning design..
We should feel proud that we are wearing a winning design..
At least I am..
PS: I hereby encourage people to link their blogs to the class blog.

you.were.there 8/29/2006 07:37:00 PM

Friday, August 18, 2006

WHOOhOO!!!! Our Class Outing at Causeway Point!!!

Do, Re, Me
Setting off to Causeway Point on a train..
ChewChew!! ChewChew!!!
The food not nice?
They seems like having a hard time eating..

Heres what they ate.. 1/2 Cooked CHICKEN!!!
Before: Seng Loong enjoying his veggie.
After: Jessica said a cold joke.
She said the veggies are green.
Look at Seng Loong facial expression!!!
Totally Priceless
I'm just joking about the cold joke part

Acting Cute?

Yih Song is abusing the pig..
Someone save the pig pls!!
Protect the animals!!!

the printout which i have trouble trying to take with my HP cam because of my shaky hands
Thanks to Yan Ping for her firm hands that this photo turned out so clear!!
Enlarge of the photos!!!
So Happy..
Continue to be Happy =)
The pictures says it all..
Don't you think this is the best out of all?
Thats really Oh My Tian!!
Thats all folks..
Have a Nice Day..
Looking forward to our next class outing
Most probably after Promos..
Brought to you by Yours Truly,
Wei Long =)

you.were.there 8/18/2006 09:23:00 PM

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Hey, please take note of this:

Due to LT5 being designated as the venue for the Opening Ceremony of International Chinese Riddle, the arrangement for Physics lecture on the 17 Aug 06 (Thu) is as such

8.00-9.00 am @ LT 2:
06S09, 06S10, 06S17, 06S19, 06S20 and 06S23

3.30-4.30 pm @ LT 5:
06L03, 06S11, 06S12, 06S13, 06S14, 06S15, 06S16, 06S18, 06S21, 06S22, 06S24, 06S25

Source : JJ Physics Web

you.were.there 8/10/2006 08:51:00 PM

Monday, August 07, 2006

just another short update

1) wear house tee tml (8aug, tue)

2) CSS carnival on 13th Aug, sat Sunday, all are welcome~
(venue: commonwealth secondary,
time: 9am to around 5pm)

3) everyone will be taking the GP test
(full eassy on globalisation) on Mon, 14th Aug

4) be in PE attire on Friday, since morning assembly, for mass voga display

5) chinese project due 11th aug, fri

6) jessica's birthday celebration after the ushering @ seoul garden =)

7) happy national day~ enjoy the holidays~

you.were.there 8/07/2006 10:42:00 PM

Sunday, August 06, 2006

hey ppl, a quick update of coming activites below, i may miss out some, so.. hahas..
1) econs tutorial 4 que 1,
2) econs test on pubic goods on mon
3) gp test on globalisation on 11 or 14th aug
4) chinese zhuan ti zuo ye (project)
i) 3-4 ppl, grp work
ii) can do on places ie:china town, ppl eg: tan took seng, festivals eg: mooncake festival (if im not wrong, ask teacher again.. hohox)
iii) put it in a file, like pri/sec project works, with content pages etc
that's all, anything, just post urself.. get the username and pw from me to post =)
5) arene tutorial (compulsory by mon, 7th aug!)

aku kristin

you.were.there 8/06/2006 01:00:00 PM


jaNuary BabIes
07th - weilong
18th - xinyi

maRch BabIes
10th - kangsheng

apRil BabIes
10th - daniel
27th - zhengquan
29th - xuanyi

maY BabIes
14th - vincent

juNe BabIes
13th - mschew
22th - beehwee

juLy BabIes
17th - junxiong

auGust BabIes
25th - jessica

sePtember BabIes
07th - desmond
12th - kristin
14th - andre
14th - jiewei
17th - suhua
30th - yihsong

ocTober BabIes
04th - ziliang
06th - melisa
15th - sengloong
24th - xinyuan

noVember BabIes
10th - yanping
12th - phyllis
14th - boonsiew

dEcemBer BabIes
17th - yue feng

April 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 January 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 March 2008 June 2008

score well for A level (:
stay healthy :)

Hosts: 001 002 003
Edited from: P.A:D,
Image by: CoralSnake@deviantart

team JJ
science JJ
Elearn.litespeed JJ
NEW relay system
phy tys errors
