Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hello pretty ladies and macho men,

How's life?!

ALRIGHT I have to admit I'm so so so excited about the upcoming event (sorry I wasn't really clear whether it's a 1-night event or a 2days-1night chalet thingy.) BUT ANYWAY do try to make it alright~! though I'm having some serious doubts whether you guys will pang sei. NO don't pang sei!!!!! COME COME COME!

OKAY.. so how's NS life? and busy ladies who are busy working - TAKE A BREAK, SIT BACK and RELAX. okay I'm taking my break now so I have lotsa time to spare! for the past 1 week I've been sleeping at like... 4 am cos' I went strolling at Labrador Park with a bunch of friends, making a din, disturbing the undead. seriously there's this one night when even animals got so upset with us.. a lizard jumped onto my hair and danced with my fingers when I tried to find out what's the unidentified object flickering around in my hair. SHIT! it's seriously horrifying. WHOO~!

so.. what course/university are you all entering? anyway what happened to the tag board?! gone like the wind? or isit my com ): okay as usual my computer has gone a little crazy.. yes just a little. I'm going off. catch up with you guys real soon! see ya! TATA


you.were.there 6/25/2008 01:23:00 PM


jaNuary BabIes
07th - weilong
18th - xinyi

maRch BabIes
10th - kangsheng

apRil BabIes
10th - daniel
27th - zhengquan
29th - xuanyi

maY BabIes
14th - vincent

juNe BabIes
13th - mschew
22th - beehwee

juLy BabIes
17th - junxiong

auGust BabIes
25th - jessica

sePtember BabIes
07th - desmond
12th - kristin
14th - andre
14th - jiewei
17th - suhua
30th - yihsong

ocTober BabIes
04th - ziliang
06th - melisa
15th - sengloong
24th - xinyuan

noVember BabIes
10th - yanping
12th - phyllis
14th - boonsiew

dEcemBer BabIes
17th - yue feng

April 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 January 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 March 2008 June 2008

score well for A level (:
stay healthy :)

Hosts: 001 002 003
Edited from: P.A:D,
Image by: CoralSnake@deviantart

team JJ
science JJ
Elearn.litespeed JJ
NEW relay system
phy tys errors
