Friday, November 10, 2006
heyos..Pls take extra note of the following Information, AND inform as many ppl to refer to this post.. thanks..
A level
Presentation will be held on
reporting time for
reporting venue is the room of YOUR presentation, that is either
Room 303 or 304Bring along
NIRC/Student Pass AND
Entry Proof, Soft copy of the presentation slides.. Ms Chew will be in
PJC, NO internet access available..
FULL School Uniform + Collar Pin (tie is optional, settle among the group)
then, proceed to General Office with some slip of paper, to exchange for your progress report..
1) Individual I&R + individual JJ Group Project File Cover page and Punch Hole (bring ur own hole puncher perhaps..) (eg, 4 members = 4 JJ GPF cover page)
2) Bring 1 copy of Official GPF cover page (attached on the Question Paper, Page 13), and fill in all the particulars before hand (eg, 4 members = 1 Official GPF coverpage) The center number = 3009 while index number is the index number in YOUR entry proof! eg 16xx, where x is a integer..
3) report as a group to Room 204/205 @ Tuesday, 14th Nov, 10am to 11am.. any later will be considered as late submission, and irregular report may be raised..
4) you will be given following resources, and rearrange the group project file given in following order:
a) Official QP GPF Coverpage (on top)
b) Group Project Proposal
c) 1st Member's PI, EOM, I&R (securely bound = staple them securely)
2nd Member's PI, EOM, I&R (securely bound = staple them securely)
3rd Member's PI, EOM, I&R (securely bound = staple them securely)
4th Member's PI, EOM, I&R (securely bound = staple them securely)
then, start paginating your GPF from page 1 on the cover page onwards and record on the front (ie, the cover page)
5) seek attention of any PW committee member once above are done =)
Good Luck, All the Best~ Inform as many ppl u can to see this post k =)
I&R Draft sent to Ms Chew BY SATURDAY (ie tml) Night. she said she's not checking those after the due date.
11/10/2006 05:27:00 PM